Ack... more post lag... sheesh
On the homefront, I added more pictures of the X-man (Xavier) to his ever increasing archive . I've also sworn off Neverwinter Nights until I get a new computer, because the lag in some areas has become intolerable. This has been good for my creativity and willpower, because I finally got around to work on some transcriptions I've been putting off, and I've been spending more time with X-man. Maybe I'll actually get around to finishing that original tune I was working on.
At work it's become a tad bit less stressful, because I've moved further into redesigning and organizing our Intranet (A long and grinding road), and farther from answering calls (thank god).
On the gig front, I've got gigs lined up every weekend for the next month, right through Valentines day (Amber is not totally pleased with that one). So that means more cushion in our economy (slightly).
Well... it's been a few days since my last post but really that's only because of new office "policy". I used to make my posts at work, but now the fascist rule has imposed yet another construct to obstruct job satisfaction. Zero non-work-related internet access... nadda... except at lunch time (like I'm going to sit at my desk at lunch time).
So horror of horrors, I'm taking time from my NWN playing to post at home!
Oh, I got one of those Sony Net MD's for Christmas, it rocks! It doesn't skip, you can fit 2.6 hours of decent sound quality music on it, it's small, and easy to use. Oh, and I can digitally record stuff... mucho coolio
Whee... -38 windchill yesterday... and -16 w/ -27 windchill today
The January deep-freeze has started... and all the holiday cheer is now just wrapping in my recycle bag and molding in my fridge.
All in all it was a good season, we went to my sisters for Christmas day, my Mom and Dad were also there. I fixed a problem my nephew was having with playing Halo on his new computer (ATI driver problems, big surprise). Xavier had alot of fun, and everyone enjoyed watching him be the silly kid he is.
New Years eve I had a gig at the Sutton Hotel (used to be Sheraton, or Weston, or something) so Xavier went to hang out at my sister-in-law's place with his Grandma D. New Years Day we spent there, listening to the noise, and incessant banter about Global Idol, sheesh people, it's just a tv show!
Well with all new years things change. Sometimes expectedly... sometimes not...
Not so expectedly MovableType went Wacko on Pommie's server after moving to gentoo, and now I start again.
We start again....