January 19, 2004

More Post Lag

Ack... more post lag... sheesh

On the homefront, I added more pictures of the X-man (Xavier) to his ever increasing archive . I've also sworn off Neverwinter Nights until I get a new computer, because the lag in some areas has become intolerable. This has been good for my creativity and willpower, because I finally got around to work on some transcriptions I've been putting off, and I've been spending more time with X-man. Maybe I'll actually get around to finishing that original tune I was working on.

At work it's become a tad bit less stressful, because I've moved further into redesigning and organizing our Intranet (A long and grinding road), and farther from answering calls (thank god).

On the gig front, I've got gigs lined up every weekend for the next month, right through Valentines day (Amber is not totally pleased with that one). So that means more cushion in our economy (slightly).

Posted by Oorgo at January 19, 2004 12:04 PM
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