I love the new car, I really do, and I can't say enough nice things about it. Xavier loves the car more though, to him it's the best thing that's ever happened to us. For the first month after we got the car everyone he happened to talk to he told them "We have a new car! It's a Honda Fit and it's red!" Of course most of them just said "Oh, that's nice dear" and patted him on the head. Every time we go out he talks about it, "that car looks like the Honda Fit... those are the same wheels as the... that car is red just like the.." etc. etc.
The other day I had turned the wrong way down a side street so I said to Xavier "Check this out" and I pulled a U-turn, damn the thing has a great turning radius, anyways he goes "Wow! The Honda Fit is Cooool!" all the while giggling.
I'm pretty sure we have a car nut on our hands.
Posted by Oorgo at September 24, 2006 06:55 PM Permalink - Category: Family | TrackBackHa! That kid's my kindred soul; I'm still that way about my car. You should tell him, with great gravity that "one day...ONE day, the Fit could be his!" Of course, by the time he's old enough to drive it, he might have less enthusiasm; but he'll be so happy when you tell him he'll probably pass out!
Posted by: shank at October 6, 2006 12:19 PM
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