Well it's come and gone, that season of giving and recieving and drinking and eating and if you have spare time giving thanks.
Our Christmas season started with Xavier getting a fever which turned into a cold and still isn't completely gone. Christmas eve morning Griffin woke up with a 101.9 degree fever which went down and up all day, he went to bed and then woke up again at 1:30 with a 102.5 fever. About 4 am Christmas morning we got to sleep, I think Amber had a hard time sleeping because she woke up again at 7:30, I got up about 9:30 or so prompted by the incessant nagging of Xavier.
We had a peaceful morning of opening gifts with our wonderfully behaved kids, had a nice breakfast, etc. At 2 we went to Ambers mom's place for more gift opening and supper etc. Xavier and Griffin were engulfed with presents, alongside their cousins. I and the rest of the family got a bunch of great stuff that we liked, and Amber got a bunch of stuff looked like she had previously bought for herself and pulled out of the closet. Two example items: a variety package of incense.... she's allergic to smoke... a pair of pink furry winter boots... yeah, I've known her for 16 years and never ever seen her wear pink. It's like her parents went to great effort to get stuff for everyone that they liked and then she was an afterthought. She was not happy, and this was not just a one time thing, it seems to happen every Christmas. Sure the season isn't about presents, but when everyone else gets thoughtful gifts but you get a bunch of shit you don't even like ... how special do you feel...
I made it through Christmas without a hint of sickness, then the day of the 28th I started feeling it in my throat, that night we had a wedding gig and the next morning I had to get up to go to work and man... I was full blown sick. I sounded like some Barry White infested frog had stolen my vocal chords and sat in their place. Of course then Sat. night we had another gig, this time at the Sidetrack, and then a New Years one the next day. No rest for the sicky. I called in sick on Tuesday because I wasn't getting any better and I couldn't talk for very long, and of course my job is talking all day.
I was sickened in another way by the New Years Eve party I played at, it a tribute to the club that was burned down a couple months ago, and it lived up to the reputation. They had a Latin band, a DJ and some Reggaeton/Rappers scheduled. Our first set went fine, sound was OK, people were dancing, then we went on for the second set ... it was BRUTAL, the monitors were cranked, we were being deafened by everything and couldn't hear ourselves. We finished at midnight, the next crap came on and we left to go find alcohol. We came back at say... 1:20 to find a bunch of drunk losers yelling into mics and dancing like fools. 1:30 we started our last set, the sound was better, but apparently 3/4 of the way through a fight broke out, there were chairs thrown, and later we heard rumors of people going out to their cars to get weapons. The cops showed up, the party shut down, we got paid and left. The whole thing left a bad taste in our mouths, and made us REALLY not miss the old club. Lucky for us (sarcasm) they're building another club which will be open in a year or so, made entirely of cement and steel.
[edit] and now I feel terrible about my whining after reading about Shank's Mom. My thoughts go out to him and his family.
Posted by Oorgo at January 4, 2007 04:13 PM Permalink - Category: Things | TrackBack
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