Well it looks like there's going to be a severe drop in my gigs over the next while, not sure exactly how long, as the bar I usually play at burned to the ground on Saturday night.
Apparently someone used a jerry can, lit the DJ's car on fire and then figured they had some gas leftover so they lit the club on fire too. The fire department came because of a report of a burning car, but didn't see the club burning until it was obviously too late to contain.
The whole thing isn't really much of a surprise as someone tried to burn the club down in the spring, this attempt was just successful, that's all. In my mind that's what you get when you bring different groups (sometimes gangs) of young people with differring tastes of music (iow different cultures), put them in a club where the music the DJ plays is so loud that your shirt vibrates against your skin. I used to wear earplugs during set breaks and the shit was STILL too loud, and that's after cutting out 35 db!
Anyways, perhaps this will mean I have more time for other things: Family, Jazz, my blog, who knows? It could also mean that the nights I would have been previously playing my trumpet I may now be drinking beer and playing ultra-addicting video games like Eve-online. Who knows, is this the opening I've been looking for? Is this my escape from the Latin music scene? We'll have to wait and see.
Posted by Oorgo at November 14, 2006 04:43 PM Permalink - Category: Things | TrackBackDamn Dave. And I thought I hung out in some rough joints!
Posted by: shank at November 15, 2006 09:32 AM>Is this my escape from the Latin music scene?
Nope. You'll never be so lucky ;-)
Also, I heard from other ancient sources that not only has this club had attempted fires set, so did Longriders and so did the club before that!!!
Perhaps someone is looking towards expansion.
Posted by: troy at November 15, 2006 05:54 PMI was thinking last night maybe it was someone in the neighborhood that was sick and tired of the noise from the club, and the people that it attracted.
i.e.: "I wish that place would shut the fuck up!"
Posted by: Oorgo at November 16, 2006 12:48 PM
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