Silence. People are silent these days.
Even though things are bad all over the world, so many terrible things happen every day, rights are being trampled on, tortured, killed and the general populous is only beginning to understand the mess we've made of the planet, people are silent. I keep reading stories wondering where the revolution is: Where are the mass protests? Why is Bush still in power? Why am I being arrested for drinking coffee in a cafeteria because I'm wearing a peace t-shirt? Why are there still personal transportation vehicles that make 10 mpg?
Perhaps they are silent for the exact reasons above. So many things in so many places and so many facets of their life are or will soon be affected by world events that they are overwhelmed. They shove their heads far into their work, their family, reality tv (make sure you don't watch the news though), video games and booze as an escape from the monsters outside their door.
It's not that they don't care but they can't put that much thought into the future, the present is too occupying, their job is too stressful, their kids are in too much trouble and the price of gas is too high. Nevermind that if the little grasshoppers would have thought about storing away or conserving, the coming winter would not be so dastardly. The Hummer owners and coal burners are busy fiddling and dancing while the ants are scrambling around trying to figure out what the fuck to do to get us out of the situation.
I've been silent about these issues lately as well, pretty much for the same reasons. You feel sort of powerless, unable to change things, I mean hey I'm a tech who moonlights as a musician, I'm no scientist and I can't afford to switch my house over to solar. I've been quietly trying to lessen my impact environmentally: soon to be buying a new fuel efficient, lower emission vehicle... not much else I can afford past that. New furnace? Power efficient water heater? Yeah, get real. I can't even find a frickin' evaporation air cooler system, something other than the power sucking AC unit that's currently installed.
Alongside all the issues, it seems that there are so many voices and so many contradicting facts people manage to find/makeup to support their view, that really who can you trust? Also, the facts change as things proceed, we've only been studying carbon effects on the environment for awhile so what we know is always evolving. Some folks I've talked to have latched on to old facts that have now been shown as incorrect and using them as a shield to block differing view or results. Perhaps they should also be chanting loudly: "I KNOW THIS, IT IS TRUE, LA LA LA, CAN'T HEAR YOU"
Posted by Oorgo at July 6, 2006 02:28 PM Permalink - Category: Ponderings | TrackBackI'm with you on the decreasing consumption thing. For me it just comes down to simplifying those things in my life that I've discovered just aren't that important. And incidentally, I'm driving to the Honda dealership tomorrow to see about trading my sports coupe in on a Fit.
Posted by: shank at July 7, 2006 09:34 AMTalking to a buddy of mine about my new LCD monitor and power usage compared to the old CRT (Cathode ray). Well turns out it does about 20% the power the old CRT did, 39watts compared to 216. If running for 59 the CRT would cost me $26... the LCD: $6 or $2 running in power saving mode.
There's another thing you can upgrade to cut down on consumption and save money. Hell, the thing would pay for itself in about 10 months to a year!
Posted by: Oorgo at July 7, 2006 10:15 AMActually, one of our PC's has an LCD monitor - Dell was running a deal and bundling them for free with desktop's when I bought mine. I didn't know they saved energy though, bonus! Of course, we usually put ours to sleep anyways if we're not using them. I find that the biggest way to influence the old power bill is to become a master of the thermostat.
Posted by: shank at July 10, 2006 10:58 AMOk, so I was a bit hasty, it would be more like 2 or so years. Especially if it was on sleep mode most of the time.
Posted by: Oorgo at July 10, 2006 11:03 AM
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