IN the ongoing saga that is my moneypit of a car, now that the weather is warming up the car is starting to overheat, mostly when you drive at slow speeds or turn the AC on. I phoned up my mechanic brother-in-law (not mechanical brother-in-law, although that would be cool), and he thinks there's some blockage in the coolant system.
I think that when I took the thing in to Crappy Tire 6 months ago they either put in a defective waterpump, didn't hook it up correctly, or screwed something else up. My reasoning for this? As soon as I started driving the car after they worked on it the temperature gauge was up a notch or so. I didn't make a fuss at the time because it was winter and it didn't seem to be causing any problems unfortunately now it's summer and the fuckin' thing is overheating.
I'm taking it to another shop tomorrow morning and get them to fix it, if it IS CT's fault I'm taking the bill back and shoving it in their stupid insufficienly educated faces.
[update] It's in the shop... the guy says it looks like a blockage of some sort, but he can't tell... but if the thing wasn't drained properly when they replaced the water pump it apparently can damage your head gasket. I would say most likely from the back pressure or air in the system? I don't know, I'm not a mechanic. Fuckin car.
Posted by Oorgo at June 7, 2006 06:31 PM Permalink - Category: Things | TrackBackP.S. If you were to move your ... you know ... over top of one of the.. umm... thingies and click the left button...
It would be greatly appreciated.
Posted by: Oorgo at June 8, 2006 12:02 AM
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