September 21, 2005

X-man is Excited

Xavier is excited, very excited, that we're having another baby. Every day he says "I love you baby" or "I want to kiss baby" to mommy, he's pretty sure it's a baby girl.

He also has been thinking a lot about baby and what he/she can or cannot do:

Xavier: Baby can play with trucks right mommy?
Mommy: Yes, baby can play with trucks. (these are the big dumptrucks etc. by Little People).

Xavier: (Pointing at mommy's stomach) That's not all Mommy's tummy.
Mommy: No, you're right, that's not all Mommy's tummy.

Xavier: Baby can't have emems right mommy?
Mommy: No, Baby can't have M&Ms, that's right. (of course, he wants all the M&Ms)

(Mommy just coming out of the shower)
Xavier: Baby in there? (squats down to look, hoping he can see baby)
Mommy: Yes, baby in there but you can't see baby. (trying hard not to die laughing)

Posted by Oorgo at September 21, 2005 08:02 PM Permalink - Category: Things | TrackBack

so cuuuute :)

Posted by: jaime at September 21, 2005 10:41 PM
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