According to, Europe may soon be the world's biggest economy, meaning that the IMF would have to move overseas. After 60 years of being on American soil this would send a huge message that if things don't change the US could go into a slump like they've never seen before.
It does not appear that the IMF would move. It is located as follows: "The principal office of the Fund shall be located in the territory of the member having the largest quota . . ." (Art. XIII of the Articles of Agreement). The European Union, which I assume you mean when you refer to Europe, is not a member ( The individual European countries are, but the EU is not. Upshot, the IMF ain't going anywhere so quick.
Posted by: RP at November 19, 2004 01:31 PMInteresting to know, I pulled that story from and it was from pulled from an interview with (I believe) economist Clyde Prestowitz.
Posted by: Oorgo at November 19, 2004 01:58 PM