November 10, 2004

Grab those heels with both hands

I did a double reverse spiral flip today, and purchased a new computer from Dell. I really wouldn't have except for the payment plan (I know, don't remind me about the interest, I know) and the fact that I believe I got a pretty damn good deal. My old beast of a computer is 5 years or more old, and just doesn't hack it anymore.

Here's the stats: 3.0 Ghz P4, 1GB Dual channel DDR, 80 GB SATA drive (7200 rpm), and 17" monitor.

Vid and sound are onboard, but the upgrades from Dell were much too much money. $170 extra for an ATI X300 SE (entry level card, not great), I could buy a Radeon 9550 256MB With VIVO for $140 from Not a super card, but apparently very overclockable.

Now it's just the waiting game, estimated date of delivery : Dec 1, 3 damn weeks from today. Sheesh. Don't mind me while I sit here on my hands... la la la

Posted by Oorgo at November 10, 2004 12:52 PM

Sweet system dude :) Enjoy!

Posted by: Arcterex at November 10, 2004 02:54 PM

Yeah, that's pretty good. They're kinda fleecing you a bit on the memory (charging $300 for 1GB vs. 512MB... see, but it's likely better to have got that from them for warranty purposes anyhow.

I had one hell of a time deciding between the DVD drive I got and another hard drive. I'm feel pretty happy I chose to get the DVD drive, in the end. First thing I did was backup and then delete all 10GB of my MP3s onto three DVDs. Since I'm starved for video without having cable TV, being able to watch "prerecorded compressed video" is my lifesaver.

I almost (and still might, but I'm fending off the need to) get a SATA drive and controller to run it. I'd really like to migrate into new technology and away from EIDE if I can. I've had it with my share of manufacturer conflicts (between different master/slave drives) and DMA errors as drives get older and start to break down.

...but a RADEON? Ugh. Dude. Don't do it. Stick to nVidia. Save yourself some grief and get drivers that don't crash when playing games. I thought ATI improved their drivers, but I still hear people bitching about their card/driver.

Posted by: Dan at November 10, 2004 02:57 PM

Yeah, I was just doing a quick pricing, I could get a Gainward FX5700 LE 256MB w/DVI & TV Out for $175 from a-computers.

Posted by: Oorgo at November 10, 2004 04:04 PM

I love my Dell 5150
I would stick with nVidia as well.. Less issues..
Nice puter..

Posted by: STeve at November 11, 2004 10:15 AM

i'm still jealous. long time waiting though.

Posted by: jaime at November 13, 2004 01:51 AM
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