October 21, 2004

"Things are getting better.. oh but don't get comfortable"

I've ranted about the RIAA before, but the article below flabbergasts me. Is the RIAA run by advisors for the Bush administration? Deny everything if it doesn't agree with your current campaign?

Music sales rise despite RIAA's best efforts | The Register

Let's see... "sales up 10% from last year.. but those music Pirates are still stealing money from our pockets". To me this resembles the denial of the Bush campaign that the violence is worse now in Iraq than it ever was.

My imitation of the RIAA (hands over ears and hands over eyes) LA LA LA I can't hear you! They're hurting us I swear! We're going down down down! Bring out the lawyers I can feel my porsche turning into a BMW.

Posted by Oorgo at October 21, 2004 05:19 PM
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