June 13, 2005

Dragged, kicking and screaming

Every weekday I speak with people, some kind and patient, some rushed but still kind, others who are having a crappy day and whose only desire is to be difficult and inflict pain. Every weekday I talk to them, and attempt to walk them through things they have no clue about, sometimes almost dragging them, kicking and screaming into troubleshooting their problems. It always baffles me how some are afraid of the computer, literally afraid. They are unsure of themselves to the point of asking every time "Is that right click or left click?", "Do I double-click?". So many times I want to just scream, and I'm serious here, scream.

It would be a perfect day if I could have this recording at the beginning of every call:

"Thanks for calling, remember you are calling me to ask for help, I am not trying to make your life more miserable than it already is.
Please refrain from asking whether it's a right-click or left, left is to select, right is for options REMEMBER THAT.
Please just shut the $#@ up and listen, I'm trying to solve something without actually being there, YOU try fixing a broken light in a strangers house with a blindfold on.
If possible, please take your drugs before calling tech support, we don't need you going off on a tear about your kids or your dog.
Please relax, I realize you are rushed, and over-worked, but hello!! you are calling tech support, we are just as swamped as you are and make less money.
Thanks again for calling, please click 1 once you have completed the above."

Posted by Oorgo at June 13, 2005 02:45 PM

Not just click once, but perhaps something like: please right click once with the left mouse button once you have understood. That'll keep the calls down!

Posted by: RP at June 13, 2005 08:31 PM

When you say click 1 once, did you mean right click or left click?

Hey, my little scrolly wheel clicks too! Did you mean center click?

Posted by: Ted at June 14, 2005 04:49 PM
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