Every once in awhile everyone needs a good kick in the teeth
That's the lesson learned at last night's Jazz jam at the Yardbird Suite, that and I am rusty, very rusty. I got up and played a couple of songs with some young guys and an older bass player, it was fun, but wow I used to fly over chord changes that I now stumble upon. A large portion of the problem lies with me not being relaxed, nerves taking over and brain getting in the way of playing. I'm sure it will be better next tuesday, as I'm gonna be a regular until the summer season is over. That's part of that previous post about mid-life crisis and the notice of non-compliance I gave myself a few days ago.
The oddest thing happened last night though, apparently without my knowledge I was a part of a convergence of have-beens (people that have been in the music seen here). Guys I went to school with 10 years ago and haven't seen since appeared out of nowhere, and locals that rarely come out slid out of the woodwork. It was overall a good time and fun experience.
A good friend was there that I haven't seen in 10 years. We went to St. FX together and drank together, plus he played in my recital. He has changed quite a bit for the better, it seems. He used to be dark, negative and jaded about so many things including music and the scene. Perhaps he has found an awakening while working on his Masters down in the US. It's good to see, I like to see people change for the better, and for the "happier".
*Oh, on the downside one of my new trees broke a branch in the wind this morning, so we have to prune it
Posted by Oorgo at May 25, 2005 06:14 PM
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