May 20, 2005

36 - middle-aged?

I've been thinking a lot about this for the past few months, what exactly is middle-aged? According to middle-aged is roughly between 45 and 65 years old, so I apparently have about 9 years to go.

I would tend to disagree here, I think middle-aged is all in the mindset. It comes hand in hand with the midlife crisis and it's a time when you go "Holy f$@#in sh$@! What the hell have I done with my life?" I'm at that state now at 36 and I'm attempting to make some subtle and some less-subtle changes to improve myself; clean up my time and clean up my house (both physically and metaphysically (Yes Pam, I meant metaphysically)).

That doesn't mean I'll post less, it means I have better things to do than waste my time on the following:

  • daily 2 hour bouts with Neverwinter Nights (or other addicting games)
  • trying to be something that I'm not (i.e. a computer geek). I can work in the business, but at heart I'm a musician and I have to stop denying it.
  • delaying my musical career by one more day by doing the above

The following things, even though I may hate them, they are important:

  • Cleaning up after myself
  • Getting out of the house and talking to other people
  • Finishing projects that take more than 30 minutes to do

This post is a reminder to myself, and a Notice of Failure to Comply from my subconcious to my lazy ego. I'm good enough, I'm smart enough, and doggone it, people like me! *chuckle*

Posted by Oorgo at May 20, 2005 02:46 PM

I'm 48. I have now decided middle age is 60 Please don't contradict me on this, it isn't nice to contradict your elders.

Posted by: Rachel Ann at May 21, 2005 01:38 PM

Hey man, how 'bout getting involved politically? You obviously have more than a passing interest. Are you a card-carrying party member? Could go to your party member's office and ask about volunteer (or paid?) opportunities. Just a thought in case you hadn't considered it before. I'm sure they'd love whatever help you could offer. Great way to meet like-minded folks, get connected etc. Hmm, all this from a guy who often doesn't vote, wierd eh?


Posted by: Juan Demonio at May 29, 2005 04:22 PM
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