December 17, 2002

You would think

with reports on performance, and stats, and quality of service, and endless compliments from customers, that I wouldn't get hassled by management and supervisors about being late maybe 8 - 10 minutes once a week.... ooo and sometimes 1 minute...

You would think that

Well I just learned from a colleague who works in a different department, that my supervisor was talking to her and said my Manager is closely watching me... for this specific reason, she's very upset, and somehow thinks this is a huge fucking problem.

If you look at the stats, etc. I take more calls, close more calls, and solve more problems than anyone here. Yet I get treated like shit if I couldn't get to sleep, sleep in, miss my train, and come in 10 minutes late....

I need a new job... this just does NOT make me want to be here. AND on top of it all I get this info from a fellow employee... the supervisor shouldn't be TALKING about this to fellow employees. That's called inappropriate in my books. Defamation of character I think the term is.

Posted by Oorgo at December 17, 2002 02:37 PM
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