September 03, 2002

Oooo... why I aughta

Bloody.. freakin' ... stupid... gah.. f$#* ..

Here we are in the peak season, and our fucking customer database isn't working. I am going to snap, burn .. burn.. burn...

Every Sunday night ( or the last night of the weekend ), I have problems getting to sleep. Anxiety, etc. about coming to work, I think. I've talked to a few other people and they have the same problem getting to sleep. Damn phones... I can bet that we're getting dumbass phobia, the fear of someone having so little clue that they can't distinguish one mouse button from the other. "That's right ma'am, with the right mouse button" , "That's correct sir, click on OK"

Posted by Oorgo at September 3, 2002 07:39 AM
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