November 08, 2004

All new high

Apparently my stress level has hit an all new high, or something. I woke up Sunday morning and the muscles that control the corners of my mouth were stiff and sore. My facial muscles have been sore this week, not sure exactly why, I must be tensing something that I shouldn't. Anyways, so I don't exactly know why in particular the corners were so sore, the only thing I can think is that I was frowning in my sleep all night.

The great thing about playing trumpet is that usually the muscles you use don't get tired from other things such as lifting, holding, etc. Apparently as I found out, frowning all night will tire those muscles enough that it is difficult to play in tune and you will tire quickly. And it will piss you off.

Maybe I'll have to create a new category called Whining... this would go under that category.

Posted by Oorgo at November 8, 2004 03:25 PM

YEs dave, Fakin whiner..

Posted by: STeve at November 9, 2004 09:52 AM
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