November 05, 2004


Some people bite their fingernails, some obsessively clean their house, others comb their hair until it falls out. I arrive late. Doesn't matter what the occasional, I'm late. It's like some weird submliminal obsession with me, I don't mean to be late (most times) it just happens. I'm running perfectly on time and then something happens and wham.. 10 minutes... 5 minutes.. whatever. Doesn't matter if it's work, rehearsals, sometimes gigs, family occasions, weddings... church... Is this some kind of disease? Do I hate having my time controlled by other people so much that I subliminally go out of my way to be defiant?

All I know is somehow I have to push through this odd barrier, because I like my present job, and I would hate to lose it for something so inane as this. Not that it's been said, but the expectation is there to be on time, and somehow I have to smack myself out of this habit/syndrome that I've had all my life. It's not going to be fun, but it may be worth it in the end.

Posted by Oorgo at November 5, 2004 11:23 AM

My wife and I also suffer from this affliction. Here's how my warped mind distorts reality: Hey, what's the point in getting somewhere 15 minutes early just to wait around? The real message that sends others, however, is that they're not important enough to me to be on time for. When I did my radio practicum in Medicine Hat, the boss nailed me in my evaluation, saying he found it very frustrating that I was 5 minutes late every day. He probably would've prefered me to be 15 minutes late once a week. For most people, isolated incidents can be overlooked, while bad habits cannot. Too bad I still haven't learned my lesson. Subbing is extra challenging if I have an extra long commute, don't know where the school is, where to park, where the classroom is, etc etc etc. Maybe they're keeping track of my lates? Yikes. Plus adults need 8 hours of sleep a night, not 6 or 7. No wonder I've been sick forever and now have bronchitis. AR rehearsal tomorrow should be interesting (HACK!).

Posted by: Juan Demonio at November 6, 2004 09:56 PM
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