November 03, 2004

Welcome emigrants

I would like to be the first to welcome all the refugees/emigrants from our neighbours to the south. I think Bush has been the best thing for the Canadian economy (other than the BSE clusterf#$@). Maybe the brain drain will come north now, as all the intelligent people flee their racially biased, religiously intolerant, warmongering fellow countrymen.

Please take this with a grain of salt, I am upset with both the electoral system and the fearmongering that has populated this campaign. I can't imagine what the people that didn't vote GWB feel like right now, I sympathize.

Posted by Oorgo at November 3, 2004 10:35 AM

Thanks for the sympathy, Oorgo. Man, it feels bad right now.

Posted by: Miss A at November 3, 2004 04:04 PM
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