I had a bit of a scare on the weekend, on Saturday and Sunday I was taking care of Xavier while my wife peddled her wares at the flea market. She reads tealeaves, sells handmade hemp bracelets, and handmade egg ornaments. So we were having a pretty good day (he's motoring around on his legs now, so it's a constant chase), until about 2:30. I was talking to my mom on the phone, I hear a thump, turn to look and he's sitting on the floor, hitting the window crank on the window sill and then he started to cry.
I went over and noticed that there was blood coming from the corner of his eye. Of course I kind of freaked a little, told my mom I'd call her back. I wiped the blood away and tried to get a look at it, of course he wouldn't let me, so I comforted him for the 15 or 20 minutes that he cried. He stopped crying at the mention of going out (or bye-bye), thank goodness, so I got to look at it a bit, it was pretty nasty looking and his eye was puffy.
Took him to emergency, the nurses seemed a little concerned, partially because he fell fast asleep in the car on the way there. I got bumped ahead in the line, but it was still almost 2 hours until I got to see anyone. Meanwhile X-man had a bout an hour of sleep in my arms on the waiting room chairs. Man sometimes I wish I was a kid again, being able to sleep anywhere.
The doctor saw him for about 3 minutes, looked at the eye, said that there was no redness in the white of his eye, so he should be fine, it will just weep a bit and be sore. Nice doctor, but he was a little condescending "This kind of thing will happen alot at this age" I'm like "Yeah, but it's his EYE, hello?" (ok, I didn't actually say that, but I wanted to).
So now he's walking around with a bit of a shiner, but it doesn't bother him, so that's good. He's back to his trouble-maker self.
Posted by Oorgo at September 20, 2004 05:00 PMAccording to my wife's friends that have 3 kids all 5 or less, it's common to treat your first child (no offense to Tristan) extra carefully when it comes to falls, bangs on head, etc. By the second or third kid, it's almost a routine thing. But yeah, I'd probably be worried too when it gets into the eye area.
Posted by: Juan Demonio at October 21, 2004 02:56 PM
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