It looks like John Kerry is winning in the internet world.
When you search for "I hate John Kerry" on Google you get approx 898 results, but man... search for "I Hate George Bush" and you get approx. 1680 results.
Why post about this? Because it's lame. And in my opinion, so are the reams of blogs out there bashing around politicians.
Especially the ones who are jumping on the "Kerry said this" "Bush said that" "You're not murrican, yer a dam Demokrat". A good portion of the bloggers are so unbelievably ridiculous, that they might as well be reverting to the 60's word "Commies" for Democrats and "Nazi Warmongers" for Republicans (not sure if that's 60's but hey, whatever) .
It's so fun to find someone to hate right? And beating a dead horse is great fun too; especially the splatting sound it makes when your splintered baseball bat hits it's shattered skull (I'm speaking metaphorically <- for all the less enlightened). After a time you would assume that this would become boring (of course the ass u me joke comes in at this point and you realize you can't assume), but then again realize some people still love Nickelback.
The most exasperating thing to me, is that neither side looks very good. If you stopped a few seconds and pondered, most people would realize that neither government deserves their vote. Maybe if some would get off the bandwagon for a week, turn off the inflammatory blogs, step back and look at things logically, they could generate a sane thought in their head and stop the slander.
For what it's worth, I've purged most of the slant from my blogroll.. I AM Canadian after all. Hey, if we had only 2 parties to vote for you couldn't enjoy hearing speeches from the Marijuana party and other wackos.
Posted by Oorgo at August 24, 2004 05:42 PMA little too vivid for me on the horse there. Otherwise, I agree with you. I think we had a great discussion on my blog (not to pimp my own blog here) about the missing element of the grown up in political discourse. If you like, I'll send you the link to the post.
Posted by: RP at September 1, 2004 02:58 PM
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