July 20, 2004

A moment of silence for the memories of Superheroes

Ok, I heard some disturbing news on the DC Comic super movies coming out soon. Apparently Jack Black is going to be playing Green Lantern.

Jack Black has closed his deal. He will be playing Green Lantern in a film that has been described as a “zany comedy version a la THE MASK.” All rights to the DC comic have been worked out as well, so you can expect to start hearing more about this project in the months ahead.

There's also a Petition floating around to save the dignity of the GL. I signed it.

Warner Bros. is treating these well loved comic heroes as cartoon characters from Looney Tunes. First there was Catwoman, who is not Halle Berry, and cannot jump like Spiderman, nor does she dress like a dominatrix, now they're turning a thinking character like Green Lantern into a slapstick comedy? Will he fall into toilets and use his ring to give the finger to the bad guys? I suppose he sings too. Yay.

Posted by Oorgo at July 20, 2004 09:57 AM

Damnit. Green Lantern was one of my favorites when I was a kid. And Green Arrow. Something about green, I guess.

By the way, why are middle and right clicks disabled? My middle button (open in new tab) is my favoritest mouse button. Right (bookmark this link) is my second favorite. Left clicking sucks.

Posted by: dwayne at July 20, 2004 10:50 AM

middle is disabled? odd...

I did the right click disable for one of my posts with a bunch of pictures I don't own and I don't know where they came from. Not really stopping, but slowing people down from takin' the pictures.

Do you use Firefox? Ever tried Ctrl-T? ... that opens in a new tab, and Ctrl-D adds a bookmark. Of course keyboards are for suckers. :)

Posted by: Oorgo at July 20, 2004 10:59 AM

Looooove Firefox. I don't know how those poor suckers still stuck on IE deal with it. All that flashing and popping...(we'd better be careful or this is going to turn into "what's your favorite extension?")

mouse click - I thought it might be something like that. Just had a quick look at the javascrtipt:

(damnit! I can't paste with my middle mouse button either. ;) )

function nrc(e) {
if (bNS && e.which > 1){
return false
} else if (bIE && (event.button >1)) {
return false;

middle click is 3, IIRC, so that's why it's getting caught, too. You could change it to event.button == 2 to only catch right clicks. Or you could just ignore a crotchety firefox/linux user and tell him to turn javascript off if it bugs him so much. heh.

Posted by: dwayne at July 20, 2004 02:55 PM

ah ta hell wit it

I just took out the script... too much of a pain, and pretty much useless anyways

Posted by: oorgo at July 20, 2004 04:00 PM
Get Firefox!