Well my birthday came and went, with no big whoop.
My work gives employees the day off when it's their birthday, so I almost got to sleep in, until 9 anyways. Cleaned, vacuumed, changed the cat litter, then the dude came to connect cable internet. 3.8 Mb/s downloads (456 KB/s)! Screw you Telus!.
Xavier gave me a break and slept for 3 hours in the afternoon, while Amber was babysitting at her friends. On the way back from picking her up I realized my car license and registration had expired in June, oh so happy was I. $130 later I had a piece of paper and a sticker for my license plate, damn do I love Alberta.
Went looking for dress/gig shoes at the Bay, they had some nice ones on sale but unfortunately none fit very well so I ended up cementing my progress to old age. I bought Hushpuppies. My second step to old age was to buy some Heel inserts (that are supremely comfortable and I can use in my running shoes).
When you start focusing on comfort over coolness, you have officially affirmed your embrace of the march towards the grave. When I was 20 I would buy cool shoes, no matter how uncomfortabe they were. I would buy cool clothes even though they hurt my pocket book.
Posted by Oorgo at July 15, 2004 11:23 AM