July 08, 2004

Massage the data, lie and cheat

Came upon this over at Dan's Blog

The Junk Science of George W. Bush

by Robert F. Kennedy Jr.

I'm reminded of Soviet Russia, 1984, Nazi Germany. The use of science to distort truths, even well known truths, for the profit of business or government bodies. Lying to the public, to the point of putting their health in jeopardy. Heinous acts against nature, with no remorse, or regard for future generations.

Change that number, fire those scientists
The dinosaur is my business
Keep it from extinction
Gimme profit, gimme gimme
It's safe to breathe, just ask the EPA
It's safe to drink, we've proven it
Don't worry, that will heal


Posted by Oorgo at July 8, 2004 03:21 PM
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