July 06, 2004

The worth of human life

Welcome, to a world where crimes against humanity are viewed as less heinous than property theft. Where crimes against your own family are treated with lenience, whereas a theft of $394 worth of groceries from Safeway is handed close to the same sentence as the adoptive parents who caged and abused their 2 boys for 13 years.

I can't say much more, it infuriates me too much.

Posted by Oorgo at July 6, 2004 10:30 AM

Don't forget that saying "fuck" on the air can get you fined $500,000 (case in point, Howard Stern and the FCC), whereas that's far less of a fine than many other, far greater crimes.

The world is stupid.

Posted by: Arcterex at July 6, 2004 12:27 PM
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