July 02, 2004

Happy Belated birthday Canada

The card was lost in the mail..er... my dog chewed up your gift... uh... terrorists have taken over my mailbox... um...

I am horrible with birthdays. Just found out on Wed I missed another one, my nephew's this time.... bah stupid brain

My Canada day consisted of cleaning, moving furniture, a less than enthusiastic band rehearsal, more cleaning and moving furniture, and then reassembling surround sound speaker ratsnest. On the plus side it sounds probably 75% better, because the main speakers + sub have a full wall behind them instead of the half wall.

Posted by Oorgo at July 2, 2004 09:52 AM

That is sooo like me too. Me and Birthdays just don't go together. I am in the middle of a family fued all because I was late (not forgot) a birthday

Posted by: MrJuggles at July 7, 2004 06:16 AM
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