June 22, 2004

All Hooped up on Golfballs

Dammit! I've been hooked on ebay searching for new trumpets I can't afford.

Like THIS one.

Of course I should be able to feed and clothe my family before purchasing $1000 items that aren't essential. But dammit, they are COOL

I almost laughed my ass off after perusing the Makers of the Zeus ZTR100 Olympus trumpet. It's the cheesiest site, but the more you read, the more impressive they seem, in a wacked out sort of way.

I wanna buy one out of spite now.

Posted by Oorgo at June 22, 2004 04:40 PM

HAHAHA that @#$%ing rocks. Overconfident? Hyperbolic? Save up for one just for their sheer attitude.

Posted by: Pam at June 23, 2004 12:03 AM

I give up...
what's your email address, I have an invite for you

Posted by: RanK at June 23, 2004 03:23 AM

You talkin to me? I need an invite.. damn Gmail machine.. I've musta click 50000 times..

if you have an invite: Sdaigle@sagebrushcorp.com

Dave, Hows work?

Posted by: Steve at June 23, 2004 12:24 PM
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