June 02, 2004

What the

So I'm doing a search for my name (Oorgo) in Google and I come across oorgo.com ... what in hell!! You browse to the site and it's merely titled "Oorgo English" and has a poorly made animated gif that flashes from Oorgo to English.

Am I, or have I always been, some sort of real word in korean? Does oorgo mean "bad" or "dirty" or "wacko" that would be kind of cool.

The name originated from sort of random keystrokes when creating a character name for a D&D character in an ANSI graphic turn-based game on a local bulletin board called Viewline. The character was hairless, blue, ogrish, and liked to stomp on daisies. Maybe I should have copyrighted it... or at least registered the domain like I was meaning to... OH well...

Posted by Oorgo at June 2, 2004 10:31 AM

...Not to be confused with GORGO, the SciFi star.

Posted by: Dan at June 2, 2004 07:25 PM
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