My poor hog of a male cat is sick, for the last couple days he's been just laying around almost motionless. He won't eat, and he won't drink water, and it's all because a few days ago he gorged himself sick with cat food.
I apparently left the lid too loose on the rubbermaid container that holds their catfood and he figured even though it's the same food as in his dish, that somehow it tastes better. So now the bastard is gonna probably make me take him to the vet, who is gonna give me hassles about him not having his shots, or some other shit. I'll be all like "Hey mofo, he ain't got none of those other diseases do he? No sir, he just be plumb bunged up!" (ok, not exactly like that but, more you get the gist).
I'm afraid that if it turns into surgery and/or expensive treatments I'll be looking at a dead cat. I'm sorry I just can't justify spending a grand on a cat that I personally don't like that much. Call me hard hearted but I have other priorites like my kid and family to take care of, and extra income sucked away by a sick cat? I don't know, you guys will probably think I'm uncaring or hard-hearted but I have priorities.
*update* Looks like it's worse than I thought, he's neither peeing or pooping, some sort of blockage Feline lower urinary disease (crystals/stones). Also looks like it would cost us over $1000 to get him fixed up. It looks bad.
*update 2* Brutus was too sick, he couldn't last the day, and so we had to have him put down, we're sad to see him go, he was a good kitty and a good friend.
Posted by Oorgo at May 13, 2005 01:10 PMSorry to hear about that, it sucks losing a pet. For what it's worth, I agree with your attitude. I love my dogs, but in the end, they're just dogs. Gotta have your priorities straight.
Posted by: Ted at May 16, 2005 08:52 PMI'm very sorry about your cat. I know how it can be.
Posted by: RP at May 18, 2005 08:00 PM
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