Really... they are... those big moving trucks you hired are somewhere on the Yellowhead and heading towards the wrong house.
Ok I'm being really obscure, but basically I haven't totally moved over to, and the reasoning is... I can't find Pixy Misa's email address to contact him. Of course, I have been doing my usual procrastination/half-assed attempts at finding it, so the process is going nowhere. I also haven't been able to test my export of Wordpress posts combined with archived MT posts, so that's also going nowhere.
I also requested to change my Truthlaidbear ecosystem account, to change the URL about 1 week ago, no such luck so far. I have no idea how some of these huge blogs move from their over to, the amount of work involved must be huge.
Oh, and I have to ask Dan to throw up a page to forward people here, and let them know the new URL. Here now he's doing fine and his server is probably going to be up for a long time.... oh well.
Ok, I'm stopping the whine-fest now.
Posted by Oorgo at May 10, 2005 02:21 PMAs Nelson would say, "NEAH HAH!"
Dude, I think you misunderstood my bitching and moaning about lack of money for "oh God, OH GOD, the server is going and never coming back!" heh...
Heh.. all you had to ask me was, "So, are you shutting down the server?" and I'd have said "No," even at the worst of times.
On the other hand, your blog accounts for about 80% of the web traffic to my server... although it's not like it's astronomical in terms of quantity.
Posted by: Dan at May 11, 2005 01:08 AM
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